I'll start this post off with the fact that I haven't slept much today. I'm kind of numb, terrified, and angry all in one. The results of the election with trump supposedly winning are very, very disheartening. At the risk of sounding like a conspiracy theorist, I can't shake the feeling that something is off with the counts of the votes. So, I'm not completely on board with the results. That may just be my bias and feeling that my hopes were dashed for the moment. But, though I may be sad and unsure what to do at this time other than process my emotions, I know that as women (and I do mean ALL women, regardless of what you were born) We have a resilience within us.
We have gone through so much trauma, collectively, for generations. And no matter how much we are berated, abused, or tormented, we still rise. And that gives me hope. We don't give up. So I don't feel that all hope is lost on this day. It is found. We see the injustices and are fed up. We will stand up, arm in arm, and meet this face-on. It may take us a bit to get our footing, but we're not backing down.
In 2022, I created phone wallpapers of Princess Leia and Padme Amidala with quotes from their characters that I found inspiring after the overturning of Roe v Wade. I've slightly reworked them this time around just for this occasion. The message remains the same. We have hope and we have to stand up to injustice. So please feel free to download these wallpapers for your personal use to remind you of our collective strength and resilience.